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Write a Guest Post

Let's Go Play Outside is the best place for outdoor enthusiasts.

Want your post/photos featured on Lets Go Play Outside ?

We are now accepting guest post submissions from bloggers and adventurers interested in having their work featured on our blog. We aren't quite sure how frequently we will be featuring guest posts, but we want to leave the door open for skilled writers and photographers to have their work featured on our site. Please note that we plan on only posting high quality stuff, so there is no guarantee that a given submission will be accepted.

Send drafts to

What we’re looking for:

  • Original content. Can’t be published anywhere else online.
  • Focus on hiking, camping, adventure travel, off the beaten path destinations, wildlife, etc.
  • High quality photos and/or videos.
  • Writing should be at a fourth grade level or higher…preferably much higher but not too technical.
  • Format: MS Word attachment. Include photos in the Word doc or as separate attachments. Whichever is easier.
  • Here’s an example of the ideal guest post: Best trek in world are on Nepal

What’s in it for you:

  • Get some more strangers to read your work.
  • Get a link back to your site/blog.
  • A high-five and/or chest bump if we ever meet in person.

What’s in it for us:

More high quality content for our subscribers. All we ask is that you share your guest post with your followers via social media or however else you see fit. *This is not a place for promoting products or services. If you want to advertise or promote a product or service, feel free to email us, but that wouldn’t qualify as a guest post.

I'm excited to hear back from you!

Have a nice day

Let's Go Play Outside Team