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Ambassadors program


Hello dear ambassador!

Again we sincerely thank you for your generosity and to be part of a movement that aims the discovery of the beauty of this wonderful planet !! To be part of the team, it is very simple, you must make a choice among the 3 roles proposed below!


The article you propose must be related to the blog thematic, for outdoor enthusiasts, and must bring added value to the community. The creation of articles from your expertise, your experience and your personal experiences are encouraged. We love articles that are funny, colorful and full of life. Have fun ! ;-)

You can then send me the articles written in Word via e-mail as an attachment to

Each month I will publish a post titled Subject where you can tell us your subjects, titles or stories that you would like to share with the community. The ambassador program is evolving, so do not hesitate to share your ideas, comments or dreams. It will be our pleasure to read you.

Here are the requirements for bloggers:

  • You must create original content that has never been published before. No copying or plagiarism.
  • The article should appear only on this blog even after publication, it is imperative.
  • You can attach up to 2 maximum links to your site (or other sites). No affiliate links however.
  • Minimum length is 800 words. The first paragraph will serve as an introduction and will be used as a summary on the home page.
  • You must try to reduce spelling / grammatical errors as much as possible before proposing your article and avoid the slang and the sustained, your article must be accessible to all.
  • You must promote your article by sharing it at least once on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google + ...) It will also be shared by us on the LGPO Facebook.
  • Optional: Send me an illustrative image for your article (in landscape format).

We do not guarantee that the article will be published before reading the final article. If there are corrections to be made, we will let you know at that time. You must also send us a small text to describe you and your site, with a photo and some links to the social networks you are on.

Trails Collaborator

Here are the requirements for collaborating on trail information:
  • You have pictures of trails listed on the website or even unlisted trails to share, they must be high resolution photos (1600 pixels wide and more).
  • It can be pictures of the landscape in general, trail peculiarities or even you having a blast!
  • Photos must include a brief description of where they were taken. Help us have the most beautiful pictures and descriptions of trails from all over the world and in exchange all the credit will come back to you on our website!

There is really no limit, all your support is very much appreciated.


Here are the requirements for influencers:

  • Make 1 post per week
  • Share articles and content from LGPO
  • Share 4 photos per month

Thank you so much for your generosity!

And do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.

It will be our pleasure to answer you.

Joins our team