Where to go in New Brunswick
With naturally occurring sites and spots, New Brunswick has a lot to offer when it comes to places that will give the most memorable holiday ever. Below are some of the best attractive sites for that unforgettable holiday.
Experience the tides at the Bay of Fundy
The Bay of Fundy is a funnel-shaped bay with extreme tidal waves that alternate between high waves and low tidal waves. The difference between the two waves is 6 hours 13 minutes. When the tides are high, you can kayak with the supervision of the kayaking guides, that way you get to truly experience the highest wave on Earth. On low tides, you can walk on beaches to view the fantastic and unique landscapes that have developed over time as a result of the waves.
They are just so much you can do at the Bay of Fundy from taking ferry rides to its islands with all their adventures to visiting the Fundy National Park.
Hopewell Rock’s alternating island-ish and rocky views
Hopewell rocks look different at different tides. It has the view of an island with trees when the tides are high and that of large magnanimous rocks during low tides. With the waves at 6 hours apart, you get to experience both views in a single day (exciting, right?). Take long beach walks on the rocky shore at lows tides and guided kayaking excursion when the waves are in. Either way, you get to feel the full benefits of both tide levels.
Get to see the unique reversing falls at Saint John River
The reversing fall flows in different directions depending on the time you catch it. This process is as a result of the merging of the St. John River and the tidal Bay of Fundy. The rivers move downward toward the Bay of Fundy as it empties into the bay at low tides and at slack tide that is when the tides slow and the river appears to be calm and peaceful. The river flows in the upward reverse direction when the tide peaks and is strong. The strength of the tide determines the level of the reverse flow of the water.
At the Saint John River Bridge, you get to experience first-hand the exceptional reversing falls, and it is most intriguing if you can see the river at all its tides roughly 12 hours apart. This way you get to appreciate the beauty of the falls.
Hike at the Fundy National Park
This is home to more than 50 kilometers of different trails that lead into the forest, valleys and spectacular waterfalls. The trails run through mountains and are suitable not just for hiking but also for mountain cycling. During winter, the park is the perfect destination for ski trips, and in autumn and spring, you get to see over 200 species of migrating birds.
You can spend a day or even the weekend in the park as it has camping grounds you can set up tents at night. During the day you can kayak at sea, rent a canoe, walk on the trails, bask and enjoy the fantastic weather or even enjoy a good game of golf.
New Brunswick is truly the heaven of outdoor people. It allows discovering amazing and beautiful sites and also gets the perfect memorable holiday of a lifetime. The iconic landscape offers the best photo experience that is guaranteed to get everyone talking and fetch you those thousand likes on social networking sites.