It is with the help of these few words that I open my heart to you, a tiny part in fact of what my words are capable of reflecting ... Either the infinite gratitude that I feel towards the people who have changed my destiny. Because it is understood that such an adventure, where everything must be cleared, where the unknown calls me, cannot be realized without having a personal cheerleading team! I will be eternally grateful to them as without them, none of this would have happened and even thanks to them, things even bigger than I had planned are being realized! I am also touched by their generosity, their listening, their patience (because yes, they must be!) And their super advice, because all this shows me that they believe in me and my mad dream to dominate the world, World of adventure!
In particular, I would like to thank my everyday accomplice, my lover and much more, Annie Guilbert! She understands me, she supports me and all my projects, and this, from my first adventure in Kilimangaro! Without her, I would only be a pale version of myself.
A huge thank you to my stepchildren (Jérémy and Ariane), to have made a place in their lives, to allow me to know what it is to be a father-in-law and especially to endure me daily!
I would also like to thank my friends and family for being here for me and having the patience to listen to my passions and projects without end! And a big thank you, especially my sister to believe in me, to encourage me, to help me and that finally has the same sting as me!

Thanks also to my friend for more than 20 years, François (Fern) Tétreault,, Fern for the intimate! Who knew how to infect me with the size of his dreams! Thank you Fern, for introducing me to AZ and François Lemay and for your eternal positive energy and your incredible vision of life!

I could not pass over in silence the invaluable contribution of my favorite Master Paillette (even if there is just one!), Mélissa Normandin-Roberge! She is undoubtedly a paillette, but also a ninja coach that is full of innovative ideas! She is one of the most generous and genuine people I have ever met! She gives herself body and soul to others as she is devoted. She believes so much in your project that she believes in it more than you do! Thank you very much for all Mélissa! Thank you for believing in me with such energy!

Thanks also to one of my mentors Martin Latulippe and his AZ sect! Guru integrates, generous and above all human! Through his teaching and community, I am a better version of myself every day! His training is so complete that it is downright a gold mine! And that's what makes all the difference in my professional success!

A big thank you to François Lemay who helped me to take steps towards a better acceptance and release of myself! The videos of François arrived in my life almost by magic, always with the right words, at the right time. In more gray periods of everyday life, Francois arrives like a ray of sunlight that pierces the clouds. He is always the first to repeat and to tap on the nail, telling us to walk great, to make our place, to co-create and that there are people for everyone! He is a very inspiring model that I admire immensely!
I would also like to thank Dany Laporte for all the discussions we had, the challenge he brought his precious friendship and me! Thanks to him, I did not just question myself and turn in circles, since he would always come back to with incredible solutions! If he had not been there, I would still be on the train, going around in circles!
Thanks also to Yasser, one of my oldest developers since the beginning! Seriously, there's nothing he did not touch! ;)
A big thanks to my database admin, George! He does nothing less than miracles to optimize everything in a short period of time! It's a database wizard!
Thank you very much to my very good friend Maryse Gélinas. Because she always believed in me, no matter what the project. She always encouraged me and even gave me a hand when I needed it!
And finally, I want to thank my old mastermind group, without whom I would not have done the Kilimangaro, without whom I would not have done half of what I have accomplished so far! I am very grateful for all these years with all these people, because this group allowed me to progress to such a point, I would not be who I am today!